Waveform Optimization Techniques for Radar Systems
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- Create Date November 18, 2020
- Last Updated November 18, 2020
Signal Processing and Waveform Optimization
One of the challenges in radar systems is to increase the detection range without spending a lot on increasing the transmit power. Using the pulse compression technique, the radar detectability can be enhanced by transmitting a sequence of modulated chips, in phase, frequency, or amplitude, while keeping fixed the range resolution. Pulse compression was the first attempt for waveform design in radar systems, the problem which is getting more complex and of course important with the emerging MIMO radar systems.
In phased array and SISO radar systems, the waveform design deals with reducing the sidelobes of the auto-correlation of the transmit sequence. In these radars, the ideal waveforms are the ones that possess a small Peak Sidelobe Level (PSL) and Integrated Sidelobe Level (ISL), to reduce the false alarm rate and enhance the detection capability. However, finding a sequence with good auto-correlation properties is a challenging task. The problem is getting more complicated when multiple transmitting waveforms are adopted on the transmit side, where the cross-correlation of the waveform set should be also reduced.
In this talk, I will introduce different iterative algorithms that can be used to mathematically solve the waveform design problem, in both phased array and MIMO radar systems. Particularly, I will go through the Coordinate Descent (CD) optimization framework which has an excellent performance in waveform design for radar systems.
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